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It has taken me a very long time to recognise that the most important aspect of looking good is not an item of clothing but an attitude or a way of thinking. People who get dressed in the morning hating themselves and wishing they were different can still pull together a beautiful look but there will be something in the way they hold themselves and the way it makes them feel that is different to how you should feel when you manage to look your best.

Pretty in PInk

I’m not here to try to “Oprah” you, I can’t fix or even really know your problems from this end of the keyboard or spend thousands of dollars on a make over to make you feel beautiful but I can tell you this; the day you wake up and decide that you don’t have to hate how you look just because it’s not how other people look, I promise people will see a little something extra.

Colours and Textures at work

This is not a fat girl problem or even a shallow girl problem, this is something I think most of us struggle with to some extent and it’s a big part of the reason why on some days we just don’t try that hard. I’m cutting myself some slack today though and just enjoying the things about me that I think are wonderful. I know I’ll stand taller because of it.

Wonderful work wear

Interestingly since beginning this little blogging adventure I have begun to take more notice of what I am wearing, I used to be the girl who made the effort 2 to 3 days a week to look my best and that felt like it was good enough. Now I make more effort every day and it has paid dividends in the way my colleagues approach me and also their reactions when I am in meetings. I’m not a different person but some combination of the way I feel when I deliberately dress up for work and the actual dressing up helps me argue my point better or convince them quicker.

Sparkle at work

So….  basically my point is make an effort to dress in a way that makes you feel great today, do it for your own benefit, do it just for yourself. Soon enough you’ll reap the rewards, trust me.

Too busy for the blues

Here are a few more work wear ideas for you to enjoy. Let me know in the comments which one you would or you already; rock in the office.

Working with animal print
 Get dressed like you mean it.