The difference new clothes make!


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I got a new dress on the weekend!!! 

It is pretty basic, it is black and white and has a nice deep V neck (worn with a cami for work). It was really cheap and I can freely admit it is nothing special but it helped get me out of bed, I was so excited about wearing it that the usual monday morning blues did not bite as hard as usual.

For me today, fashion was therapy.

How about you? Do you have an outfit that you wear for confidence or do clothes help shape your mood? How does fashion affect your feelings?

Dressing Up for Halloween


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Everybody (and I mean everybody) at work is dressed up today and it is a bit of a culture shock for me because I am not normally one to dress up and most workplaces I’ve been at have all but ignored the day.

I have a Spiderman mask on today (borrowed from my nephew) as a token effort, it’s about as far out as I’ve ever gone for Halloween. Baby steps….

How about you? Do you love dressing up?



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It’s been a while I know (sorry!) but I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be back with twice weekly fashion related ramblings as of next week!

Keeping it Casual

In the mean time I’m having a bit of a dilemma.

I have no official dress code at work and everyone dresses really casually. I’m a big believer in dressing for the job you want so I’ve kept it pretty corporate so far but the effort is tiring some days. What should I do?

What would you do?